Key collaborators from around the World
Los hermanos Boro
Laser physicists and Computational chemists
Dr. Luis Cerdán is a brilliant laser physicist from Madrid and is the co-inventor of the First Borane Laser! Dr.s Daniel Roca-Sanjuán, Josep Oliva and Antonio Francés-Monerris are excellent computational chemists from Valencia University and Madrid. Together we are los hermanos Boro (The Boron Brothers)

Prof. John D. Kennedy
Boron Chemistry Guru from Leeds University, UK
Prof. John D.Kennedy has been at the forefront of macropolyhedral megalo-borane chemistry for many years. His research interests are diverse, involving many different species of heteroboranes, metallaboranes, metalla-heteroboranes and carboranes. A major theme is the exploration of the spectrum of intimacy between clusters: from discrete polyhedra connected by rigid organic tethers, to giant megaloboranes, generated through the seamless fusion of multiple clusters.

Prof. Kamil Lang
UV-Vis Spectroscopy Expert
Prof. Kamil Lang knows how to work the magic of our luminescent boranes when under UV stimulation.
+(420) 721 820 489
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences